Social media practices for NAEA influencers and affiliates

Being an NAEA Social Media Influencer doesn’t take more than being a regular user of social media – no more than you would normally.

Being an NAEA Social Media Influencer doesn’t mean turning your personal accounts into a promotional channel for NAEA. It does, however, mean that you’ll be identifying yourself as a brand advocate for the organization. While some of our current followers share articles or blog posts that they think are interesting, our Social Media Influencers will be frequently searching for the next best piece of NAEA content to share with their followers.

While many of our members are brand advocates in their own rights – through mentoring or contributing to the NAEA PAC – the Social Media Influencer is a brand advocate of a different kind.

Use your Personal Social Media to Help Share NAEA Content
You will be leveraging your followers to help our content reach a broader audience without having them follow any of the NAEA accounts. 尽我们所能, we can’t participate in all the conversations about the issues our members care about. 这就是你的用武之地. Influencers allow NAEA to participate in those conversations that we may not have been a part of, 或者想成为.

Whenever you find something that you’d be interested in sharing, just click on one of these buttons and write your message! By clicking on these buttons, you’ll have the link auto-populate your social media post. 加入你的观点,并分享!








One of the best things about being an NAEA Social Media Influencer is that your followers, 朋友, 的同事们, and associates will know that you are proud to be a part of the leading association dedicated to supporting the enrolled agent profession. 通过成为一个品牌倡导者, 你将体现NAEA的品牌元素, without having to limit or restrain your personal voice.

Becoming a brand advocate increases your exposure to NAEA as well. We will be looking to share posts from our Social Media Influencer accounts, 脸谱网上的粉丝也越来越多, LinkedIn, 推特, 和Instagram, you’ll be exposing your personal social media account to thousands of like-minded individuals!




This guide has provided information necessary to be an NAEA Social Media Influencer. For those who want to take their social media influence and interaction to the next level – keep reading.

If you are knowledgeable about a specific set of topics, you can also sign up to be an NAEA Media Expert. 通过这样做, you will not only be helping NAEA promote its content and spread its influence, you’ll also be assuming the role of our proxy in certain media settings.



There are thousands of conversations occurring on social media every day. As an NAEA Media Expert, you will be encouraged to engage in conversation about a particular topic. 无论是关注某个话题标签, or building a following on a particular subject, 你将成为NAEA在某些主题上的倡导者.

By promoting these pieces in tandem with NAEA’s channels, you will assist us in giving a wide and fast reach on things that are both important to you, 你的同事, 对组织来说.

NAEA’s Social Media Influencers and Media Experts should feel comfortable bringing ideas to the table. Whether it be a unique opinion on an impactful article, or foresight on emerging topics – we want to hear your thoughts on it.